It ain’t over till….
The Mets have now lost six in a row with no relief in sight. Unlike the Yankees, their bats cannot make up for dreadful pitching. Pinning hope on Matz and Lugo is thin gruel, since Matz seems chronically injured and Lugo was just a pleasant surprise last year. To make...
A message from Duncan
Duncan Neer here. The dog in The Last Resort is obviously based on me. Check out the back cover. The more books Dad sells, the better I eat. Just sayin'.
A new mystery with no answers
The A-Rod -- Jeter relationship is an endless source of fascination for some. You would think that a teammate would want to be present at a major retirement ceremony if at all possible. But was A-Rod not invited and he is protecting the Yanks and Jeter by staying...
Welcome to My Website
Since my radio participation on WFAN is limited to weekends these days, there are a great many events in the sporting world that I yearn to discuss with our amazing, intelligent audience. With this site, I’ll be able to encourage that dialogue 24/7. But why limit it...