Radical Musician Idea

Lately, I’ve gotten a lot of calls on WFAN about who the greatest rock guitarist is or was. The usual suspects get named —Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Santana, Peter Townshend, etc. What about a competition? Obviously, the...

First takes….

Spontaneity is overrated. Greats like Frank Sinatra and Bob Dylan are legendary for eschewing multiple efforts designed to hone the original performance. Orson Welles once responded to a producer, “the proper reading is the one I’m giving you.” There...

Anything to get away from baseball…

I watch a lot of television. Too much or not enough, I’m not sure which. Too much in that the set is constantly on during waking hours when I’m not working. Not enough because there are highly touted shows that I simply haven’t made time for, but...