After a long hiatus, here is the new Riley King novel.

The One True Crime deals with present and future societal issues, coming at them from both sides. It posits that even though we disagree with folks who vote the other way, we are all Americans who share most common values.

King meets a faded movie star that he has admired for decades. He finds the man to be a walking contradiction, quite the opposite of his onscreen persona. Is he a real danger or merely an actor with strong but unpopular opinions?
Despite their trepidations, King and Ginn find the man to be a loveable rogue whose charm cannot be resisted.

Cars play a central role in this novel — favorites being a 1963 split window Corvette and Ginn’s restomod Mercedes. Movies and music have a large part, as well.

I hope you enjoy it.

Stay tuned for my radio trilogy, which will be released later this year.