Wrecking Ball is the seventh novel in my Riley King series of mysteries. Some very big changes happen in this one, including the death of an important character.
Riley is now living on Hilton Head Island full time. His friend Rick Stone (spoiler if you haven’t read any of the others) has moved to the West Coast to act in movies and has fallen in love with Jaime Johansen, Riley’s estranged girlfriend.
King is broken up about what he considers the worst betrayal possible. He yearns for a case to take his mind off his troubles and his realtor Chipper McKenna provides it . It seems that several million dollar waterfront homes have been attacked and have sustained heavy damage. Is it the work of a deranged environmentalist? Or someone with greedier motives?
With the help of his old friend Derek Davis (from The Master Builders), Moses Ginn and Hilton Head cop Alexandra Tomey, he sets out to investigate the destruction. Meanwhile, someone is taking shots at King, seemingly missing on purpose. Warning shots involving an old case?
I think this is the deepest King novel to date. We’re privy to a lot of his inner conflicts as he tries to make sense of what has happened. His tough guy facade is shattered and he’s vulnerable, especially to the charms of the bewitching country singer, Charlene Jones.
Wrecking Ball is a great summer beach read with tons of Lowcountry flavor. You’ll learn a lot about the island paradise of Hilton Head and its environs and some of the big issues the area faces.
I’m already making great progress on the next book in the series, about a reality TV star. And a stand alone novel called The Folksinger will likely be out in the fall. Thanks for your interest in my writing and I hope you enjoy the books.