The One True Crime

After a long hiatus, here is the new Riley King novel.The One True Crime deals with present and future societal issues, coming at them from both sides. It posits that even though we disagree with folks who vote the other way, we are all Americans who share most common...


Radio stations are already playing Christmas music. I used to think that accelerating the Christmas season to begin around Halloween was a cynical trick of capitalism to plant the seeds that it’s never too early to find that perfect gift.I still think...

Ten Riley King books

An acquaintance who had never read any of the Riley King books was looking for something to peruse on vacation, so I gave him a copy of ‘Beware of Darkness’.He was reluctant to accept it. “I’m sure it’s good and all,” he said....

Beware of Darkness

My latest Riley King novel, ‘Beware of Darkness’, debuts March 17 in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. The book brings Jason Black and King together for the second time, as the protagonist of ‘Three Chords and the Truth’ prevails on Riley...

Lost Music

Writing Nowhere Man got me wondering how much music we’ve lost over the past half century. Think of all the great musicians who were taken from us too soon. Starting with Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and Sam Cooke, the tragic list grew with Hendrix, Joplin,...